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Benefits of Social Media Marketing - Social Media Marketing

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5 Tips to Grow Your Instagram Following Organically


5 Tips to Grow Your Instagram Following Organically

Are you looking to grow your Instagram following, but want to do it organically? If so, you’ve come to the right place. In this blog post, we’ll be discussing five tips that you can use to increase your Instagram followers without using any shady tactics or “black hat” strategies. With a bit of time and effort, you can start to build a following that is real, engaged, and loyal to your brand. So without further ado, let’s dive in to our five tips to grow your Instagram following organically.

1) Use hashtags

Hashtags are an integral part of any successful Instagram marketing strategy. They enable you to reach new audiences and promote your brand and content. When used correctly, hashtags can help you increase your followers and engagement.

Hashtags help categorize your content and make it easier for people to find it. When someone searches for a hashtag, they’ll see all of the posts associated with that tag. This means that if you use relevant hashtags, more people will be able to discover your content and hopefully follow you.

When choosing hashtags, make sure they are relevant to your post. You should also think about the popularity of the hashtag and if it’s used by others in your industry. If it is, you’ll want to use a different, less competitive hashtag. It’s also important to vary your hashtags so that you’re reaching different audiences and your content is not lost in a sea of similar posts.

You can use up to 30 hashtags per post, but it’s best not to go overboard. Aim for somewhere between 5-10 hashtags that are relevant to your post and target audience. You can also create your own branded hashtag to track conversations about your business. 

Using hashtags is an easy and effective way to increase your followers and get more eyes on your content. With some research and experimentation, you can find the best hashtags for your content and start seeing results.

2) Geotag your photos

Geotagging your photos on Instagram is a great way to help increase your followers and get more likes on your posts. Geotagging allows your post to show up in a user’s search results based on their location, which can be an effective way of reaching people in your area or who are interested in a certain location.

To geotag a post on Instagram, simply open the post or create a new post, then click the “Location” option at the bottom of the screen. This will bring up a list of nearby locations, or you can search for a specific place. Select the one you want and it will be added to your post.

By geotagging your photos, you can make them easier to find in search results and expand the reach of your content to new users who may have never seen your posts before. Additionally, geotagged posts tend to perform better than those without a location tag, so you’re more likely to gain followers and engagement by adding this feature.

3) Use relevant keywords in your bio

Having the right keywords in your Instagram bio can be a great way to increase your reach and attract more followers. By using relevant keywords, potential followers are more likely to find you when searching for specific topics or interests. Try to include words that describe what type of content you post, as well as popular hashtags related to the content you create.

When choosing keywords, focus on the most important ones first. Think of the words and phrases that accurately describe your content, as well as any key topics or themes that you’re passionate about. Make sure to include keywords that have low competition, so that you have a better chance of appearing higher in the search results.

It’s also important to keep your bio updated with new keywords every once in a while since trends change over time. For example, if you post a lot of travel photos, you could add new keywords related to different locations or travel experiences that you’ve had. This will help potential followers know what kind of content they can expect from you and help them find you more easily.

To ensure that your keywords are working for you, be sure to track your progress over time. Pay attention to any changes in your followers, and use the insights to further refine your keyword strategy. With the right keyword strategy in place, you’ll be able to attract more followers and make your Instagram profile stand out from the crowd.

4) Post regularly

If you want to grow your Instagram following organically, one of the most important steps is to post regularly. Posting regularly will help you to keep your followers engaged and more likely to keep coming back for more. Try to aim for posting at least once a day, but if you can manage to post multiple times an even better day.

When you post regularly, make sure that your content is varied and interesting. This means posting a mix of photos, stories, videos, and other media. Don’t just post the same types of content over and over again or your followers may get bored. 

One way to stay consistent with your posting schedule is to use an app like Hootsuite or Later that allows you to schedule your posts ahead of time. This way, you can take the time to create several posts in one go, and schedule them out evenly throughout the week.

Finally, don’t forget to be engaging! Reply to comments, like other users’ posts, and make sure your followers know that they are being heard. Doing this regularly will help you build relationships with your followers, which is key to growing your Instagram following organically.

5) Engage with other users

Engaging with other users is one of the best ways to grow your Instagram following organically. Interacting with your followers and potential followers is a great way to build relationships and cultivate brand loyalty.

Start by engaging with other users in your niche by liking and commenting on their posts. You can also follow them and ask questions or respond to their stories. This can be especially effective if you tag them in your posts, as it will get them to check out your content and possibly follow you back.

When engaging with other users, it’s important to be authentic. Avoid copy-and-pasting generic comments and messages, as it may make people feel like they’re being spammed. Make sure your interactions are genuine and offer something of value to the conversation.

You can also use contests and giveaways to engage your followers and encourage others to follow you. Offering something of value in exchange for likes, shares, or comments will help build excitement and engagement around your brand.

Engaging with other users is a great way to get more followers on Instagram, but it does take time and effort. Be patient and consistent with your interactions, and you’ll soon see the benefits.


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