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Benefits of Social Media Marketing - Social Media Marketing

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How to Get Verified on Instagram: Instagram Blue Tick


How to Get Verified on Instagram

Are you trying to get the coveted blue checkmark on your Instagram profile? If you are looking to become verified on Instagram, you are in the right place! Verified accounts can benefit from increased visibility, more authenticity and trust from users, and even access to exclusive features. In this blog post, we will explain the process of how to get verified on Instagram and the requirements you need to meet in order to qualify for verification. So, let’s get started!

1. Have a Large Following

If you want to be verified on Instagram, you’ll need to have a large following. Generally, the larger your following, the more likely you are to be noticed by Instagram and given the coveted blue tick. The exact number of followers varies from account to account, however, as Instagram does take into consideration other factors when deciding whether or not to verify an account.

Having a high-quality, dedicated base of followers is key for any successful social media account, and this is especially true for those looking to become verified. It’s important to note that simply having a large number of followers won’t be enough; they should also be active and engaging with your posts. You should be actively building your follower base by running competitions and giveaways, connecting with other influencers in your industry, and posting content that resonates with your audience. Doing these things will help demonstrate to Instagram that your account has a dedicated following and is worthy of the verification badge.

2. Use Relevant Keywords in Your Profile

If you’re looking to get verified on Instagram, one of the best ways to do it is by adding relevant keywords to your profile. The best keywords to use are ones related to your industry or topic of interest. This will help make sure that your profile is visible to the right people who may be able to verify you.

When adding relevant keywords to your profile, it’s important to keep them accurate and up-to-date. That way, when potential verifiers search for you, they’ll be able to find you. Also, make sure that you don’t overuse keywords – use only those words that are most pertinent to what you’re trying to achieve. 

Additionally, try and make sure that the words you’re using in your profile are relevant to the type of content you post. For example, if you post a lot of travel-related photos, you should use keywords like “traveler” or “explorer” in your profile. This will help draw in the right kind of audience who could potentially help verify you. 

Finally, keep your profile description concise and easy to read. Aim to keep it under 200 characters so that users can quickly understand who you are and what you’re all about. If possible, add a link to your website or any other social media accounts so that potential verifiers can easily find more information about you. 

By adding relevant keywords to your profile, you can increase your chances of getting verified on Instagram. Make sure that the words you choose accurately reflect who you are and what type of content you post. Also, keep the profile description concise and easy to read so that potential verifiers can easily find the information they need.

3. Use Relevant Hashtags in Your Posts

Hashtags are a great way to get your posts noticed by Instagram users. Hashtags act like keywords, helping users find relevant content. The most important thing when it comes to hashtags is to make sure they’re relevant to your post. When using hashtags, make sure to use ones that are popular and relevant to your post. Popular hashtags like #love or #photooftheday are great for increasing visibility, but they’re not likely to bring you the right kind of attention. 

When you’re using hashtags to try and get verified, you should focus on using hashtags that are related to your niche. For example, if you’re a fashion blogger, you should use fashion-related hashtags like #fashionblogger or #styleblogger. This will help you get noticed by other users in the same niche, which could help you get verified. 

In addition to using relevant hashtags, you should also make sure to keep the number of hashtags you use limited. It’s best to stick to around five hashtags per post. Too many hashtags can look spammy and could have a negative impact on your account. 

By using relevant hashtags in your posts, you can get noticed by other users in the same niche and help you get closer to becoming verified on Instagram.

4. Post High-Quality Content

If you want to be verified on Instagram, one of the best things you can do is to make sure that your content is of high quality. This means posting clear, visually appealing images and videos that are relevant to your industry or niche. You also need to make sure that your posts are consistent, meaning that they have a similar theme or aesthetic. Consistency will help you develop a recognizable brand that stands out from the crowd.

When it comes to content, remember that it’s not just about how good it looks, but also about how interesting it is. Try to create content that will engage with your followers, whether it be through polls, questions or challenges. Additionally, consider optimizing your posts for other platforms, such as using YouTube for video content or using Twitter for shorter-form posts.

Keep in mind that it’s also important to post frequently. If you’re posting consistently and regularly, it will show that you’re actively engaging with your followers and providing them with valuable content. This will help build a community around your brand and give you more chances of getting verified on Instagram.

5. Verify Your Email Address and Phone Number

Verifying your email address and phone number is a great way to increase your chances of getting verified on Instagram. By verifying these two pieces of information, you can demonstrate that you are who you say you are and that you are a real person or business. 

To verify your email address, first make sure it’s one you use often and check for typos. Then, open the Instagram app and go to your profile. Select the gear icon in the top right corner, then select “Settings”. Next, select “Emails” from the menu. Select the email address you want to verify and click “Verify”. An email will be sent to that address with a verification code. Copy the code, enter it into the field on the Instagram app, and click “Verify Email”. 

To verify your phone number, select “Phone” from the settings menu on the app. Enter your phone number, and click “Send Code”. A verification code will be sent to your phone. Enter the code on the Instagram app and click “Verify Phone”. 

By verifying both your email address and your phone number, you can let Instagram know that you are a real person or business who should be verified. Plus, it adds an extra layer of security to your account by adding another step to the login process.

6. Connect Your Instagram Account to Other Social Media Accounts

Connecting your Instagram account to other social media accounts can be a great way to expand your reach and increase engagement. By linking your accounts, you can easily share your Instagram posts on other platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok. This allows you to reach a wider audience, as well as save time by cross-posting content. To connect your Instagram account to other social media accounts, go to the settings menu on Instagram. Select Accounts and then Linked Accounts. From there, select the social media account you want to link and enter your login information. Once your accounts are linked, you can share posts from Instagram to other social media platforms with just a tap. Keep in mind that not all social media platforms are supported for linking on Instagram.

7. Apply Through the Instagram Verification Form

Applying for verification on Instagram is a process that can help establish your account as authentic and credible. Verification gives your account a blue checkmark badge, which lets people know that you're a legitimate public figure, brand, or entity. To apply for verification, you can use the Instagram Verification Form. To access the form, go to your profile settings, select Account, then tap Request Verification. You will be prompted to provide your account username, your full name, and a copy of your legal or business identification. Once you've submitted the form, Instagram will review your application and let you know if you've been approved for verification. It's important to note that not all accounts will be approved for verification, and even if you are approved, it may take a few weeks for Instagram to process your request.


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